Not all roses are red. Some are yellow, some are pink . . . in fact, I’ve been told that some roses are black. Or, at least, appear to be black. My point is that many, many roses are NOT red. I probably wouldn’t be far off base if I were to say that most roses aren’t red.
The yellow roses are perfectly happy being yellow. A rose by any other color smells just as sweet. The world needs the whites and pinks, the yellows and blacks, and even a few roses here and there that have touches of multiple colors.
How boring would this life be if all the roses were red and all the violets were blue? Each color of rose has a special meaning. Red is for love. Pink signifies gratitude. Show your friends you care with yellow rose. White roses are the beginning of something wonderful, and black are the end of a tragic life.
If every rose were red confusion would rule. “Johnny gave Misty a rose, what does that mean?” “Well I heard roses can sometimes mean ‘Thank You’ or ‘I’m glad we’re friends.’” “I thought a rose meant he loved her?” “I thought you sent roses to funerals . . .”
So what am I getting at? What do roses have to do with you? Here’s the thing, if a rose can be content being white instead of red, why can’t a girl be content with who she is? A yellow rose bush will
never produce a red rose. But the plant is still beautiful and fragrant.
Not all girls are super models. In fact, most aren’t. Some girls feel they are too tall; some too round. Some believe they have mousy hair; and some thinks they are too skinny. But they are real girls. They are girls as much as any super model is. They are beautiful and talented and their lives have meaning. Maybe we’re not all actresses, we’re not supposed to be. We need mothers, doctors, teachers, real women to be a role model for the future women and daughters of the world.
Love who you are. Begin to love the skin you’re in, because it’s the only skin you’ve got. Love your life because it is yours alone. No one can live like you can because no one is exactly like you. Now doesn’t that make you feel special? Out of all the billions of people in the world, you are the only you. You are the only one with your genes combined as they are, the only one that knows what it’s like to be the 5th or 3rd or 8th child of
your parents. No one else can say that. You are the only person on this entire planet that learns the way you do and can do everything you can do. Wow!
The world needs you! We need you!
I need you! I need you to let me know that even though I am one-of-a-kind that I am not alone. I will try to do the same in return. We all need each other. Every person in you come in contact with in the course of your live is changed just by knowing you. People you’ve never seen before and will never see again were affected by you, if only in the smallest, but not insignificant, way. “Hi, how are you doing?” “You look nice today” “Is there anything I can help you with today?”
Sure, it’s what I’m required to say when I greet customers, but doesn’t it mean so much more. “Is there
anything I can help
you with
Have I done any good in the world today? Have I helped anyone in need? Have I cheered up the sad and made someone feel glad? If not, I have failed, indeed.
We are all beautiful roses growing amongst the thorns of life. At times it feels like these thorns are choking us out. But nothing is so dire that we cannot ask for help. Sometimes we feel like people are pruning us without our permission with their criticisms and chastisements, but then we realize that this pruning has helped us grow back stronger and even more beautiful.
Once you realize that you are beautiful, it will be so much easier to help pull others out from within the midst of weeds. Help those around you see their divine potential. As you help others see their beauty, you will only become more beautiful yourself.
Not all roses are red. And some violets are pink.
We’re not all the same. We are truly unique.