Sunday, February 13, 2011

Newest Novel Idea: Part 4

           The next morning I got up earlier than I normally would, meaning I only pushed snooze once.  I said a quick prayer, read a few scriptures and then I slid into a pair of dark jeans and a long sleeved t-shirt.
            There were two hours before my first class started at nine.  Usually, I didn’t even have 15 minutes before class after I get ready.  What was I going to do with all this time?  I was tempted to turn on my laptop and watch an episode of Monk, but I refrained.  Instead, I grabbed my iPod, keys, and coat, and headed out the door.
            One good thing about February is that the days get longer.  It was already light outside and it was only 7am.  The air was cold around me.  I drew in an icy breath and felt some of my negative energy leaving me.  I was outside.  It felt so good to be outside with nowhere to go.  I didn’t have to rush off to class or walk to the Wal-Mart to buy shampoo.  I had nowhere to go and two hours to get there.
            At first I stayed on campus, balancing on the edges of the fountain and flower beds.  I felt like a child again.  After a few minutes I strayed over to the institute building.  There was old heavy snow on the ground.  I attempted to make a snowman, but the snow was frozen solid.  If I stood perfectly still, I could stand on top of it without sinking.  It made me feel pretty good about myself knowing that I was light enough to be supported.   Obviously this was not the right kind of snow for snow angels either.  So I moved on.
            Around 45 minutes were spent walking around the cemetery.  A lot of people think that cemeteries are creepy, but I find them calm and serene.  I read the names and dates on almost every headstone I passed, mentally doing subtraction to figure out their ages.  There were the very young, children who died in infancy, and the very old; I found one man who had lived for 102 long years.
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Keep it clean. I like receiving advice on my writing, but don't usually take it. Don't be offended.